
Panguitch, UT
6th Annual MC Rally
July 11th – 14th
Garfield County Fairgrounds

Rally News
Another exciting year is coming, but first I want to give a huge thank you to everyone who attended last
year, without you, the biker family, there would not be a Rally. And, without the wonderful sponsors
and vendors, there would not be a Rally, so to all a huge thank you.
The 2024 Rally will take place July 11 th thru 14 th at the Garfield Co. Fairgrounds in Panguitch.
Sadly, the Panguitch Old Skool Motorcycle Rally lost one of their own this year, Judge Joe, who has been
with us since the beginning, passed away on August 26 th, peacefully in his sleep. In honor of Judge Joe,
the Road to Panguitch Ride this year from the north, will be a Memorial Ride and Fundraiser for his wife
Suanne. Watch the Rally website and Facebook for more info on this event.
We are excited to already have the Drawing Bike for 2024, it is a beautiful 2005 Big Dog Ridgeback, we
have been selling tickets at numerous events around the State and have met many new people that are
excited to come and attend the 2024 Rally. The Drawing will take place on July, 13 th at center stage
during the evening concert. Check out the pictures on the website.
As with any event, early registration is so helpful to the planning, it is very hard to organize and have
everything in place without knowing how many people will be attending. We have to order shirts, pins,
patches, and most of all beer, it also helps our vendors to plan on what to bring for the size of the crowd
so please, register early and help us out.
Once again this year we will be taking donations to our charity, the Garfield Co. Rest Home, located here
in Panguitch, for a donation we hand out NEVER ALONE bracelets, the proceeds we collect go the
residents of the home to help pay for necessities not provided by medicare and medicaid, sadly many of
them have no financial support and need help with eye glasses, dental, and hearing.
Happy to announce that the 6 th grade class in Panguitch was able to meet their goals and will be going to
Washington DC in December to lay wreaths on the graves of our fallen soldiers. The collection at the
rally brought in $1100.00 to help them out, they were so thankful to our biker family and sent a thank
you note to all of you, it is posted on the Facebook page.
It was exciting to hear the great comments at the Rally this year about the changes we made to the
event. There will be more coming, we need your input to make the event better every year. Send us
your suggestions via the website contact or Panguitch Old Skool MC Rally on Facebook and be sure to
follow us on Facebook.
Looking forward to seeing all of you in July

Motorcycle Drawing
July 13th 2024
Do not need to be present to win
$50 Per Ticket
3 Tickets for $100

2005 Big Dog Ridgeback